Finnish registration ID: 3352017-6
The EuPRA Statutes
- The name of the association is European Peace Research Association (EuPRA) ry. The Association is based in Tampere, Finland. The Association's activities are international.
- EuPRA is a non-profit scientific association dedicated to promoting multidisciplinary peace research. The Association promotes cooperation between researchers, activists and practitioners internationally, as well as publishing and disseminating information. It cooperates with similar research communities.
In order to achieve its objectives, the Association's activities include:- to provide a permanent European Forum for peace researchers, activists, and peace practitioners;
- to stimulate and promote national and international research and education relating to the pursuit of peace;
- to facilitate European and global contact between peace scholars, activists, and practitioners.
- to encourage the international dissemination of information on peace research and its results.
- To support its activities, the Association receives voluntary contributions from individuals, institutions, associations, and companies. In addition, the Association may sell publications and may accept grants, donations, and wills. The Association may also carry out fundraising activities. The activities of the Association may not lead to the acquisition of profit or other financial gains for those involved in the Association's activities, nor may the activities carried out by the Association otherwise be of a predominantly financial nature.
- Membership of the Association is open to any person or body working in or interested in the field of peace studies who accepts the purpose and principles of the Association. EuPRA is committed to the principles of equity and diversity and does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, class, sexuality, ability, geographical location, religion, cultural background, or political perspectives.
Membership may be terminated;- by resignation, which must be in writing and takes effect at the end of the calendar year in which it was announced;
- in the event of the death of a member;
- by expulsion. A member who has severely counteracted the interests of EuPRA can be expelled by a decision of the Board. Before the expulsion, the member is entitled, before an appropriate deadline, to deliver a written or oral defense. If the Board decides to dismiss a member, a written decision must be submitted. The member has the right to appeal against the decision to the General Assembly. The appeal must be made within 31 days.
The highest decision-making power is exercised by the General Assembly of the members of the Association, which is held every two years. All decisions are taken by a simple majority vote among the members present. All members of the Association are entitled to vote. Corporate, association or organization members have one vote. The invitation to the General Assembly is sent to the members in writing at least one month before the meeting.
The following matters are decided at the General Assembly of the Association:- an action plan for the next term of office
- election of the members of the Board for the next term of office
- amendments to the statutes or dissolve the Association.
In addition, the General Assembly reviews the report on the activities of the Association during the term of office, approves the financial statements, grants discharge from liability, and elects the auditor and deputy auditors for the next term of office.
- The Association is represented, and its affairs are managed by a Board of 5-8 members elected by the General Assembly for a term of office. The term of office of the Board is two years. The members of the Board elect amongst themselves the President and Vice-President of the Association. The term of office of the President is two years. The President can act a maximum of two terms. The Board nominates the Secretary and the Treasurer of the Board.
The Board meets regularly, at least once a month. These meetings address current issues in relation to EuPRA’s activities and management. The Board decides on the dates of the meetings. Board meetings are held online, whenever a physical meeting is not possible.
Decisions of the Board are taken by simple majority vote. The quorum of the Board is constituted when at least half of the Board members are present in addition to the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson.
- The Chairperson, the Secretary, or a person nominated by the board have the signatory rights of the Association, each individually.
- The operating and accounting period of the Association is 12 months, starting on the first day of March and ending on the last day of February of the following year. The accounts and the report of the Board must be submitted to the auditors each year.
- The General Assembly of the Association decides on the dissolution of the Association by a simple majority vote. If the Association is dissolved, its assets and property shall be transferred by the decision of the General Assembly to promote the purposes of the Association as decided at the meeting deciding on the dissolution of the Association.
- The applicable law on associations shall apply for cases not provided in these rules.
The EuPRA Statutes (Finnish version):
EuPRA_statutes_FI_23.03.2023.pdf (111 KB/PDF)