Latin American Council for Peace Research (CLAIP)
-Chapter of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA)-
Peace Area, University Institute for Democracy, Peace and Security
-National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH)-
Call for papers Volume 6 (2025)
Latin American Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies
Latin American Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies (ReLaPaC) is an OPEN ACCESS scientific research journal published by the Latin American Council for Peace Research (CLAIP) and the National Autonomous University of Honduras through the Peace Area of the University Institute for Democracy, Peace and Security (IUDPAS-UNAH). The publication focuses on the dissemination of academically relevant knowledge related to the discipline of Peace and Conflict Studies.
Original and unpublished scientific research articles in English, Spanish or Portuguese must be sent through the official mail: [email protected]
In the following link you will find the template for adapting originals, as well as detailed guidelines for authors and the rules of the publication: https://www.camjol.info/index.php/ReLaPaC/about/submissions
ReLaPaC is indexed in the following databases, catalogs, directories and repositories: RedALyC, Dialnet, Latindex 2.0, ERIHPLUS, DOAJ, REDIB, AmeliCA (CLACSO - UNESCO - REDALYC), Central American Journal Online, CLASE, BIBLAT, ULRICH'S Web, FLACSO Journal Network, Journal Publishing Practices and Standards framework, Directory of Open Access Schollary Resources, Google Scholar, BASE and Tz'ibal Naah.
Call for papers: Volumen 6 (2025)
Revista Latinoamericana Estudios de la Paz y el Conflicto
La Revista Latinoamericana Estudios de la Paz y el Conflicto (ReLaPaC) es una revista de investigación científica de acceso abierto editada por el Consejo Latinoamericano de Investigaciones para la Paz (CLAIP) y la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras a través del Área de Paz del Instituto Universitario de Democracia, Paz y Seguridad (IUDPAS-UNAH). La publicación se centra en la difusión de conocimientos académicamente relevantes relacionados con la disciplina de los Estudios de Paz y Conflictos.
Son bienvenidos artículos de investigación científica originales e inéditos escritos en español, portugués o inglés. Los interesados deberán remitir su manuscrito al correo electrónico: [email protected]
Normativa de la revista (https://www.camjol.info/index.php/ReLaPaC/about/submissions)
Plantilla oficial (https://iudpas.unah.edu.hn/assets/Uploads/Plantilla-para-articulos-Revista-Latinoamericana-Estudios-de-la-Paz-y-el-Conficto2.docx)
ReLaPaC se encuentra indexada en los siguientes sistemas de evaluación, bases de datos catálogos, directorios y repositorios: RedALyC, Dialnet, Latindex 2.0, ERIHPLUS, DOAJ, REDIB, AmeliCA (CLACSO - UNESCO), Central American Journal Online (Camjol), CLASE, BIBLAT, ULRICH'S Web, FLACSO Journal Network, Journal Publishing Practices and Standards framework, Directory of Open Access Schollary Resources, Google Scholar, BASE and Tz'ibal Naah.